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Maqbool Butt an icon of Kashmir freedom movement: Mushaal

Maqbool Butt an icon of Kashmir freedom movement: Mushaal

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) for Human Rights and Women Empower­ment Mushaal Hussein Mullick on Sunday said Maqbool Butt Shaheed was an icon of resis­tance movement who sacrificed his life for the noble cause of free­dom of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

He was a man of integrity and honesty who devoted his en­tire life for the collective cause, went through trials and tribula­tions and ultimately sacrificed his life in pursuit of long-cher­ished ideals, she added. She was speaking in a function or­ganized at Koshar School at ref­ugees camp Mankpiyan to mark the 40th martyrdom anniversa­ry of Maqbool Butt. Quran Kha­wani and special prayers were also offered on the occasion.

The SAPM said that the leg­endary Kashmir liberation leader had been sent to the gal­lows in New Delhi's infamous Tihar jail on February 11 in 1984 for his role in Kashmir freedom movement. She la­mented that the fascist Indian authorities had not handed over the dead body of the Kash­miri leader to his heirs despite lapse of four decades, who was buried in the premises of in­famous jail. Mushall said the people of Kashmir were neither given the right to live nor to die. They even did not have the right to bury their loved ones.

Mushaal said that her hus­band Yasin Malik was being subjected to brutal and inhu­man treatment as he was de­nied all legal, constitutional and fundamental rights. She feared that the Indian government was hell-bent to hang Yasin Malik as he had been implicated in frivo­lous and politically-motivated cases to silence his voice. The SAPM called upon the world community and UN bodies to force India to ensure his release and let Kashmiris decide their fate as per their aspirations.

She said that the Kashmiri people would leave no stone un­turned and continue their strug­gle till last drop of their blood to break the yoke of Indian slavery. She said that the Indian govern­ment should bear in mind that it could not dampen the cour­age of brave Kashmiri people. The day was not far when the Kashmiris would see the dawn of freedom. On the occasion, her daughter Rizia Sultana urged for the unity of people of Kashmir to realize the dream of freedom of Kashmir. On the occasion, the participants held a special prayer for Yasin Malik and other detained Kashmiri leaders and activists in Indian jails.