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Roadmap made for promotion of digital economy for upcoming govt: Dr Saif

Roadmap made for promotion of digital economy for upcoming govt: Dr Saif

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - Care­taker Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication Dr. Umar Saif has said that that a roadmap has been made for the promotion of the dig­ital economy for the upcom­ing government. Address­ing the Town Hall meeting arranged by IT Association (PASHA) in Karachi he said, the country could generate billions of dollars in revenue if the upcoming government continues the initiatives taken by the caretaker gov­ernment in the IT sector. He said the SIFC forum has also proven to be a great support for the upcoming elected government in the process of building and developing the country, and the elected government will also reap the benefits of the measures the by the caretaker govern­ment. "We are confident that with the presence of the Spe­cial Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC), the upcom­ing government will also be able to make timely deci­sions for the country's devel­opment and public interests because we mustn't compro­mise on our economic stabil­ity and public interests," he said. The minister said, "We need to avoid departmental obstacles. Instead of unnec­essary delay tactics, quick and effective decisions must be taken in the interest of the country and the nation. For this purpose, SIFC is the most effective forum."