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Kashmiris pay tribute to Maqbool Bhatt Shaheed

Kashmiris pay tribute to Maqbool Bhatt Shaheed

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - Chairman Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir Uzair Ahmed Ghazali has said that Maqbool Bhatt was a revolu­tionary leader who has sacrificed his life for Kashmir's independence. In a statement issued here Sunday on the martyrdom anniversary of Maqbool Bhatt, he said that Maqbool Bhatt's eternal struggle for the freedom was exemplary. He said that Bhatt was one of the first leaders of freedom un­der Indian imperialism, who showed the people the way of freedom and struggle from India. Ghazali said that the Kashmiri people will continue their struggle to get freedom from the illegal occupation of India. "India could not weaken Kashmir's freedom struggle with executions, fake military encounters, arrests, worst use of laws, and coercive leadership" he reiterated.

"The bigoted and tyrannical In­dian judiciary openly expressed its hatred and enmity towards the Kashmiri people and hanged Mo­hammad Maqbool Butt and Afzal Guru despite insufficient evidence", he added. He further said that In­dian rulers of Kashmir can't be suc­cessful by coercion and cannot sup­press the voice of Kashmiri people.

"Even After the execution of the two Kashmiri leaders, Muhammad Maqbool Butt and Muhammad Af­zal Guru, their dead bodies were not handed over to their heirs, which is the worst violation of human rights", adding that International human rights organizations should play their role for innocent Kashmiri people.

He said that the great martyrs of Kashmir independence movement including Muhammad Maqbool Bhatt, Muhammad Afzal Guru, Syed Ali Shah Gillani, Muhammad Ashraf Khan Sehrai, Muhammad Maqbool Alai, Ghulam Rasool Dar, Abdul Majeed Dar, Khalid Sani, Mirwaiz Maulvi Muhammad Farooq, Abdul Ghani Lone, Ahmed Hassan, Burhan Muzaffar Wani, Zia Mustafa, Sajjad Afghani and others have sacrificed their lives for this noble cause.