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SECP notifies amendments to Corporate Restructuring Companies Rules

SECP notifies amendments to Corporate Restructuring Companies Rules

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), under the auspices of the federal government, has notified amend­ments to the Corporate Restructuring Com­panies Rules, 2019. The amendments made in light of promulgation of the Corporate Re­structuring Companies Act, 2021, are aimed at fostering conducive environment for cor­porate restructuring companies (CRCs).

Corporate restructuring companies specialize in acquiring nonperforming as­sets (NPA) from distressed financial in­stitutions, leveraging their expertise to efficiently manage and recover these NPA assets. The CRC sector is key in minimiz­ing stressed assets in the banking sector through market-led solutions, easing bal­ance sheet burdens and enhancing eco­nomic stability. The subject Rules have been amended in consultations with the State Bank of Pakistan, International Fi­nance Corporation and public at large.

Notable provisions of the amendments include the establishment of trusts, com­prehensive procedures for liquidation of trusts by CRCs, provisions pertaining to the Corporate Restructuring Board (CRB), en­compassing its composition, processing/approval of Schemes being presented by CRCs, appointment matters, governance, code of conduct, functions and budgetary allocation for operational efficacy.

It is pertinent to mention here that the subject amendments related to Trust liq­uidation enable CRCs to efficiently acquire non-performing assets (NPAs) from finan­cial institutions and facilitating funding for such acquisitions by segregating risks and rewards, thereby ensuring appropri­ate compensation for investors while of­fering the potential for substantial returns. Simultaneously, the CRB amendments aim to simplify the regulatory approval process for the Scheme for arrangement. In es­sence, the notified amendments are poised to notably improve the rehabilitation pro­cess for distressed entities, offering greater opportunities for companies to restructure and restore profitability, ultimately foster­ing enhanced economic stability.