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Senators call for bringing civilian supremacy

Senators call for bringing civilian supremacy

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - Senators on Thursday called for bringing civilian supremacy in the country, besides proposing a dialogue among political parties to end on the go­ing polarisation. Speaking in a farewell session, Ja­maat-e-Islami (JI) Senator Mushtaq Ahmed urged that political parties should hold dialogue to en­sure civilian supremacy and discourage non-elect­ed forces to intervene into the civilian domain.

He said that the civilian supremacy in line with the Constitution was the only way to bring Pakistan back on the track and resolve the economic and po­litical problems facing the country. Senator Mush­taq said the Armed Forces and intelligence agen­cies were essential for the country's sovereignty, security and defence and they loved them in this context. However, their alleged intervention in pol­itics and electoral process was against the constitu­tion and the oath they have taken, he underlined.

He also demanded release of all political prison­ers including PTI founder Imran Khan. PTI Senator Saifullah Abro welcomed the proposal for political dialogue and added that political parties should not close their doors for talks. He gave a commit­ment on behalf of his party that it would be ready for dialogue if its "stolen mandate" was given back and three political parties deny to get the reserved seats of Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC), distributed among them. National Party Senator Muhammad Akram said that there was a tug of power going on between the Army and the political forces.

He referred to the episode of Chairman Senate Sadiq Sanjrani surviving a no-trust motion moved against him by the then joint opposition in 2019. "We saw how majority had been converted into minority", he underlined, reminding how as many as 14 lawmakers had ditched their parties by ei­ther voting against their own motion or deliber­ately wasting their votes by wrongful stamping on the ballot papers. Senator Akram alleged the establishment managed to get their hand picked candidates elected in 2024 elections as well. He underlined the need for a system where free and fair elections, powerful parliament and judicious distribution of resources was ensured. PPP Sena­tor Bahramand Khan Tangi, who recently with­drew a motion seeking ban on social media plat­forms, claimed he never supported resolution seeking postponement of February 8 elections due to security reasons. "I had delivered speech before Senator Dilawar Khan moved a resolution," he said, adding that he never supported the resolution.