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PMPI General Assembly Manifesto

PMPI General Assembly Manifesto

Source: Pressenza

Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. recently held its press conference to celebrate its 7th General Assembly and 20th Anniversary, where the PMPI General Assembly Manifesto was shared with members of the press.


We are from the Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. (PMPI), a social development network composed of church/religious institutions, NGOs, and people's organizations doing social development work and advocacy in the country. We gathered for our 7th General Assembly and decided to push our priority resolutions and actions for the next three years to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable, including the environment.

We need a paradigm shift in economic and political governance that recognizes the Rights of Nature. Thus, we will heighten our opposition to destructive mining, promote more Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries, advocate for Climate Justice and the civil society and government's Declaration of Climate Emergency, and ensure disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts in our partner communities.

We call on Pres. Marcos Jr.'s to scrap the relentless pursuit of continuing ex-President Duterte's Build, Build, Build program. The unbridled construction of dams, bridges, tollways, and other similar infrastructure projects and increasing approval of mining operations threaten our ecosystems, biodiversity, and indigenous communities. Through collaborative efforts, PMPI aims to hold decision-makers accountable for human rights violations as they carry out these grand plans. At the same time, PMPI will advocate for sustainable development that prioritizes progress and environmental protection over profit.

We oppose and will continue to oppose the current attempts to change the 1987 Constitution. Recent attempts by Congress to amend the Constitution's economic provisions to allow full ownership of public utilities and utilization of natural resources by foreigners increased the risk of foreign mining companies taking advantage of lifted economic restrictions, which might result in further endangering our natural resources. PMPI stands against any changes compromising our environment and will actively engage in dialogue to ensure environmental safeguards.

We challenge the administration to pursue peace negotiations with the CPP-NPA-NDF. History has taught us that armed conflict cannot be resolved by military action. Genuine peace can only be achieved through economic empowerment of the people and effective political participation in the development processes of the government.

We call upon President Marcos to Declare a Climate Emergency. As the planet faces unprecedented challenges due to climate change, we shall continue to call upon the Office of the President to recognize the severity of the crisis and officially DECLARE A CLIMATE EMERGENCY in the country. PMPI shall continue to push for the attainment of climate justice for the most vulnerable and demand that the government address the disproportionate impact of climate change on vulnerable communities while advocating for equitable solutions and urgent action.

We demand urgent and effective government action against the increasing encroachment on the West Philippine Seas by the Chinese Government. As PMPI champions the protection of our natural resources, the fight against climate change, and the protection of our fishers, we recognize the West Philippine Sea as a vital ecosystem under threat from overexploitation and territorial disputes. It is imperative that we safeguard its rich biodiversity and the life and livelihoods of our fisherfolk communities, ensuring that any development within this maritime domain adheres to sustainable practices and respects the sovereignty of our country. PMPI calls for a united stand to protect and preserve the West Philippine Sea for Filipinos as it is our exclusive economic right under our Constitution and under international law.

We demand nature-based solutions to the current crisis of climate change. Protecting ecosystems will be our primordial concern. We will shun a fossil-fuel-driven word. We will stop attempts to bring back nuclear energy in the country. We will support efforts that reject projects that destroy the environment and negatively impact people. We will promote sustainable agriculture and fishing methods to ensure food security and food sovereignty. We will build and protect our forest by promoting local species of flora and fauna to flourish.

PMPI calls for the passage of the Rights of Nature bill in Congress and will push for local ordinances protecting local and regional ecosystems. Recognizing nature's intrinsic value is essential for regenerative development. By granting legal standing to ecosystems, humans will be obliged to change our relationship with nature, including our production systems, law, and governance.

PMPI will actively engage civil society organizations, government agencies, and concerned citizens in these critical endeavors. We believe cooperation and common actions are key to addressing this worldwide threat of extinction due to climate change. Together, we can create a just and habitable world for all creation.