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Delays in road works causing traffic congestion in Davao

Delays in road works causing traffic congestion in Davao

Source: MindaNews

DAVAO CITY (MindaNews / 10 March) - Vehicle owners in the city had been airing complaints that delays in road works being done by the Department of Public Works and Highways - Davao Region (DPWH-Davao) have been causing traffic congestion.

Manny de Mesa, a logistics truck driver, told MindaNews it is "very time-consuming" to enter and exit Davao City due to the ongoing highway construction works.

He mentioned the ongoing construction in Barangay Tibungco and Barangay Cabantian where "roads were obviously being destroyed to have it restored again."

He said traffic delays like this would mean more time will be consumed on the road, making it hard for him to reach his work quotas.

"Mas mihuot pa ang dalan tungod sa mga dagkong sakyanan sa DPWH na pirmi ga-ali sa mga kalsada na ilang gina-repair kuno (The roads have become more congested because of the large vehicles from the DPWH that frequently occupy the roads they claim to be repairing)," de Mesa told MindaNews in a Facebook message on Sunday morning.

Meanwhile a Facebook comment on the Davao City Public Information and Inquiry Page from user Rostand Tolentino said the DPWH widened roads, added bicycle lanes, and damaged private property in San Rafael Village Subdivision behind Marfori Heights in Barangay Poblacion "without permission".

"[DPWH] destroyed, stopped and left our installed private waiting shed and sign boards thrown outside the subdivision and the several large deep holes they excavated endangering our residents," Tolentino's comment written on March 8, 6:01 a.m. read.

He also alleged DPWH falsely claimed to have repaired the damages, although a letter from DPWH showed "pages with images of repair at Datu Loho Vilalge in Barangay Maa."

The Facebook user wrote that the subdivision plans "to file criminal charges against DPWH officials."

Davao City Mayor Sebastian "Baste" Duterte on Wednesday posted a statement on his Facebook page, calling the attention of DPWH-Davao and all other entities and contractors to immediately comply and coordinate with the City Transport and Traffic Management Board and to secure necessary permits before conducting any road activity "that will impair road conditions in the city."

"We have noticed passable roads that are in good condition, which you already started to break and excavate while there are still a lot of road projects that are left unfinished. These are all causing inconvenience and pose risk to the safety of the public," Duterte's statement read.

Meanwhile, in a radio interview with iFM Davao on Friday, DPWH-Davao spokesperson Dean Ortiz said all of their projects were "well-coordinated" with the local government unit.

Ortiz added it is a must for DPWH regional and district offices to coordinate closely with the local government units so that the latter's opinions and recommendations to reduce traffic congestion would be heard.

"Perhaps there have been lapses in communicating the information to him (Mayor Duterte). So, as a solution, if he will give us the opportunity to explain our side, we are ready to do that)," Ortiz said in mixed English and Cebuano.

According to the department's Updated Civil Works Annual Procurement Plan 2024, an estimated total of P510 million budget will be procured to 16 projects for this year, including construction of multi-purpose buildings, road revetment construction, and water systems.

A road revetment is a structure built to reinforce and stabilize the slope or embankment along the edge of a road or highway, to prevent erosion, landslides, or collapse of the road's edge due to natural factors like water flow, weathering, or vehicular traffic.

DPWH-Davao also heads the ongoing construction of the Ma-a flyover, which has no fixed date of completion as of this writing. (Ian Carl Espinosa/MindaNews)