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Almondale Park residents upset over unexpected water project

Almondale Park residents upset over unexpected water project

Source: KBAK
Author: Mary Paronyan

BAKERSFIELD, Calif.(KBAK/KBFX) -- Concerns about a water well being built in Almondale Park has neighbors feeling disappointed after not being notified by the district. Now, they worry about the problems that it may cause.

It's a shame that they're trying to take up half an acre of that beautiful park over there.

Alfredo Medina, a neighbor, said he moved to the North of the River community on the corner of Polo Drive and Meadow Creek Street over 20 years ago before the park was built there.

The project, known as Meadow Creek Well Water Supply and Treatment Facility, was introduced last year.

It's a two-year plan that is being built by the Vaughn Water Company.

The proposal received its green light from the North of the River Recreation and Park District to move forward with the process.

Now, neighbors like Medina are asking them to move the project a little further away from their homes.

"We'd like it to be relocated to the East end of the park, if not, throw it to another site," said Medina. "I feel like it's going to bring values down on our homes, especially being close to my neighbor behind me, and devalue my house also."

Another neighbor told Eyewitness News that she's feeling even more upset about the fact that the well is being built right next to her home.

"I feel stressed, angry, saddened and dissolution, disappointed in the water company because my selling point when purchasing my house 14 years ago was the beautiful park, and I feel that view is very calming and peaceful to my husband, and that will be taken away," said Paulina Zarate.

Neighbors said the North of the River Recreation and Park District held a town hall meeting 2 weeks ago.

With the plan being proposed last year, neighbors were upset to find out about it a month ago after everyone in the area was given a notice.

"The concern for me is that park, and then Paulina's who is going to be impacted more than anybody, she's gonna have a driveway right next to her driveway, and a brick wall taking her whole view in front of her house, and it's just sad that they didn't ask us our opinion," added Medina.

Neighbors also mentioned that they are going door to door asking community members to sign a petition regarding this issue.