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Oil tankers owners association halts petroleum supply

Oil tankers owners association halts petroleum supply

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - All Pakistan Oil Tankers Owners As­sociation has announced suspension of petroleum products supply from today (Tuesday) as a protest against Pakistan State Oil's alleged inaccurate measurement. "Supply of petroleum products will be suspended against the inaccurate measurement from PSO administration," the association said.

Delivery of petroleum products will remain suspended in Gilgit-Baltistan, Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Azad Kash­mir, the association said. The associa­tion also announced that the supply of petroleum products to all airports in the country will be suspended as well. Supply will be suspended until our demands are accepted, the asso­ciation announced. Legal notices sent to PSO officials and DC Islamabad did not receive any response, it said. De­mand for filling under metered system should be met promptly, the associa­tion maintained. The association has alleged that the district administration and PSO administration have violated the agreement reached between both the sides on February 20, 2024.

Earlier in a legal notice sent to chair­man OGRA, managing director PSO and deputy commissioner Islamabad on behalf of general secretary All Pakistan Oil Tankers Owner Association said that due to non-reply of notices, my client wants me to draw your attention towards a situation of very serious na­ture, which my client and the tank lor­ry drivers have been facing since Feb­ruary, 2024 at PSO Oil Depot, situated at Sihala, Islamabad. That my client and tank lorry drivers have certain is­sues with the Flow Meter Automation System, which often have not accu­rate/precise measurement. During the process of filling the tankers, the lorry drivers are not shown the measure­ment of material filled through DIP. The tankers are filled up on the basis of Flow Meter Automation System.

That when the lorry drivers reach at the receiving end, i.e. PSO outlet, the amount of material is sometimes low and sometimes high, causing em­barrassment to the lorry drivers and sometimes heated conversation be­tween the outlet staff and the tank lorry driver, said the notice. That the receiving end, PSO outlets want to re­ceive the material load according to DIP. Furthermore, the tracking record was checked for the tank lorries de­ployed on several occasions and noted that the lorry went smoothly from de­pot to the targeted site without any delay or stop. In certain cases, even the staff from customers accompa­nied the tank lorries with intact lorry seals, yet they turned up with material shortage at the receiving site.

That the said grave issue has become an everyday agony and pain for the tank lorry drivers and scuffles between the outlet staff and tank lorry drivers are also reported. That it is suggested by my client that even if the tank lorries are being filled with Automated System, the tank lorry drivers should be allowed to check the load with DIP Chart issued by Weight and Measurement, for their satisfaction. That my client and tank lorry drivers also recorded their pro­test, but to no avail. If the said issue are not resolved, my client and lorry driv­ers shall be forced to observe a peaceful protest/strike, which may hinder the supply flow of Pakistan State Oil. Being custodian of the city, it is the respon­sibility of the deputy commissioner to intervene and solve the issue. "You are hereby requested to resolve the above said matter within three days; that is, the tank lorry drivers should be shown DIP measurement for the material load they are getting from the depot; other­wise, my client and lorry drivers have no option except to initiate legal as well as criminal proceedings against you at your risk and cost," said the notice.