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Joint efforts stressed to control human smuggling

Joint efforts stressed to control human smuggling

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - The Sustainable Social Develop­ment Organization (SSDO), in collaboration with the Interna­tional Organization of Migra­tion (IOM) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, convened a crucial Provincial Dialogue aimed at addressing the pressing issue of Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Mi­grants in Pakistan.

Bringing together a diverse array of stakeholders, the event fostered robust discussions and meaningful exchanges amongst community representatives, aca­demia, religious leaders, law en­forcement agencies, parliamen­tarians, and government officials.

Executive Director of Sustain­able Social Development Organi­zation (SSDO), Syed Kausar Ab­bas emphasized the importance of collaborative endeavours in combating these grave challeng­es. He stressed the necessity of a multi-sectoral approach to tack­le the root causes and safeguard the rights of vulnerable individ­uals. International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Foreign Ministry of Denmark, and SSDO have designed a campaign to en­gage all stakeholders, including the local communities, to curb trafficking in persons and smug­gling of migrants in Pakistan, he maintained.

Throughout the dialogue, participants delved into vari­ous facets of the issue, including firsthand experiences shared by community members, such as the transgender community, shedding light on internal traf­ficking within marginalized groups. Religious leaders high­lighted the link between reli­gious discrimination and migra­tion, advocating for tolerance and inclusivity to prevent such forced displacement.

Insights from travel agents un­derscored the complexities they face, emphasizing the necessity for stricter regulations to coun­ter irregular migration pres­sures. Government stakehold­ers outlined existing efforts and challenges, while parliamentar­ians, Members of Provincial As­sembly (MPAs) Sheikh Imtiaz, Waqas Maan, and Uzma Kardar stressed legislative reforms and comprehensive strategies.

MPA Uzma Kardar said that Pakistan is making progress in addressing the issues of traffick­ing in persons and the smuggling of migrants in Pakistan. She said that Pakistan is new to imple­menting laws related to curbing trafficking in persons, and there is a need for comprehensive ca­pacity building and awareness campaigns among different stake­holders to address these issues. She focused on the development of the rules of the Trafficking in Persons laws at the provincial lev­el for its smooth implementation.

Opposition Leader of the Punjab Assembly Ahmed Khan Bachar emphasized that there is a need to strengthen the imple­mentation of the laws enacted to combat trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants in Pakistan. He said that law en­forcement agencies need to de­velop a surveillance mechanism to monitor such activities at the local level to identify the traf­fickers and human smugglers in the communities.

Acknowledging the collabora­tive efforts of SSDO, IOM, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Ubaid ur Rehman highlighted successful aware­ness sessions in major districts, emphasizing the importance of community engagement. Nimra Nazir from IOM emphasized victim support services and the need for increased awareness.

In closing remarks, Nimra Na­zir reiterated the imperative of collaborative efforts and effec­tive implementation of anti-traf­ficking laws, urging continued dialogue and partnership among stakeholders.