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From robots to handwash, Gujarat teens get 30 patents in a year | Ahmedabad News - Times of India

From robots to handwash, Gujarat teens get 30 patents in a year | Ahmedabad News - Times of India

Source: The Times of India
Author: Parth Shastri

AHMEDABAD: Ami Bhundiya was a Class 10 student in Rajkot in 2020 when she devised a low-cost system to create alkaline water with sprouted green gram. In early 2024, Bhundiya, a first-year dental surgery student now, got a patent for the same.

Her's is among 30-odd patents that have been granted to students below 19 in Gujarat in the past one year. In India, the patents are granted by the Indian Patent Office under the Controller General of Patents, Designs and TradeMarks (CGPDTM).But more importantly, close to 100 patents are filed by the students through Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST).

Dr Narottam Sahoo, advisor to GUJCOST, said the council has a patent information centre and intellectual property facilitation centre through which potential student projects are identified and are supported for patent filing. "In the past five years, we have filed about 200 patents. The process takes anything between a few months and two years depending on documents furnished and technical assessment. Thus, we are hopeful of getting more patents this year and next," he said. The patents filed in the past one year include 67 from the best prototype robots that participated in RoboFest 3.0 last year that included underwater and rescue robots among others. Likewise, successful projects at National Children Science Congress (NSCS) for the past two years are also included for the applications.

While Ami was one of the toppers at NSCS, another project by Smriti Patel from Aravalli also got provisional admission for patent recently for a cradle which records a child's vitals and transmits it to parents. Third participant of NSCS was Bhagwatiba Jadeja from Rajkot who had made hand sanitizer in Covid year (2020) from locally available herbs like soapberries, aloe vera and rose water.

The patents were the first in 31-year-history of NSCS participation from Gujarat and only among the few across India. While all projects are important, we are happy that all three projects that went for patent after NSCS are helmed by girls," said Dr Sahoo. "When they get the patent for their work or even go through the process, they get a perspective at a young age on how intellectual property (IP) is generated and the importance of documentation and process."

The young patent holders have surely got a boost in their confidence and career choice. While Bhagwatiba has given an exam of class 10 and is all set to take science stream to pursue a career in chemistry, Ami is already planning innovations in child orthodontics. Hitesh Bhundiya, Ami's father and mentor and a teacher by profession, said that four of his students have got patents at young age. "All of them pursued science as a career and some of them are in experimental science due to the boost they received at a young age," he said.

GUJCOST officials said that even among seniors, there are several patents filed. Some of the institutes that got patents include MS University of Baroda, Saurashtra University, Dantiwada Agricultural University, and Government Polytechnic to name a few. One such project was a low-cost cooling system for livestock developed at Anand for the scorching heat of Gujarat.