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Treasury lawmaker in Senate objects to hiring US firm for FBR digitisation

Treasury lawmaker in Senate objects to hiring US firm for FBR digitisation

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - A ruling party lawmaker on Monday warned the Senate about the gov­ernment's move to hire a US firm for digitisation of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). Speaking in the house, PML-N Senator Saadia Abba­si raised objections over the devel­opment saying that crucial FBR data identifying sources of revenues will be shared with outsiders.

She made these remarks after report of a special three-member committee formed to examine the money bill- the Tax Laws (Amend­ment) Bill, which seeks to expedite the process of the recovery of over Rs 2 trillion held up in tax litiga­tion, was table before the house. Referring to a news report, Senator Abbasi said a steering committee has approved the proposal of McK­insey and Company -an American consulting firm - for digitisation of FBR. She wondered if there was a dearth of people in Pakistan to do the job. She sought to know as to who had authorized hiring of McK­insey while ignoring PPRA rules and standard procedures.

She underlined that tenders should have been invited adding that a single individual cannot take such decisions. Reading out a press release, she said Finance Minister Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb, chaired the meeting of the Steering Committee on digitalisation of FBR, which was attended by key stake­holders including FBR Chairman, CEO Karandaaz & representatives from Bill & Melinda Gates Founda­tion. She asked as to how Bill and Milenda Foundation became stake­holders in Pakistan and FBR. "It is an NGO which came to Pakistan for macro-financing," she said.

Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Syed Shibli Faraz also en­dorsed views of the ruling party lawmaker and questioned about the urgency to pass the money bill. "The practice of bulldozing laws must come to an end." He added it was strange that just three members of the house examined the money bill. Minister for Law and Justice Azam Nazeer Tarar however said lawmak­ers should avoid opposition for the sale of opposition and advised them to support the positive decisions by the government. The house later ad­opted the recommendations made by the special committee through a mo­tion moved by its convenor Senator Farooq H Naek. The treasury benches quoting some media reports also raised in the house the issue of impo­sition of tax on users of solar panels.

PPP Senator Palwasha Behram noted that the reports of taxation on solar energy was a conspiracy against the Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. She vowed that her party would resist any such move and urged for inquiry into the matter. PPP Senator Sherry Rehman also expressed her concerns over the news of proposed taxes on solar systems and insisted that the entire country cannot be punished for the wrong agreements made with in­dependent power procedures (IPPs).