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5Es Framework to serve as blueprint for Pakistan's development trajectory: Experts

5Es Framework to serve as blueprint for Pakistan's development trajectory: Experts

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - 5Es Framework will serve as blueprint for Pakistan's development trajectory, according to experts. The Ministry of Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives organized the "Pakistan De­velopment Summit", that focused on the 5Es Framework: "Road Map to a Trillion Dollar Economy by 2035."

The summit brought together leading experts from various fields to deliber­ate on the effective implementation of a comprehensive framework for eco­nomic growth and development. The 5Es Framework is poised to guide Pakistan's developmental path. Experts believe it will serve as a blueprint for putting the country on a sustained growth trajectory.

Muhammad Awais, Sector Specialist for Private Sector Development and Com­petitiveness at the Ministry of Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives, emphasized the importance of enhanc­ing exports through high-value products and services and attracting global value chains in an interview with Gwadar Pro. He said successful economies like China, Bangladesh, and South Korea have thrived by adopting an export-led growth model.

The garment industry of Bangladesh has seen double-digit growth for the last three decades, which has turned around their economy, developed human capital, and improved productivity. While moderating the Exports Working Group at the Pakistan Development Summit, he said, "Pakistan must transform by focusing on productiv­ity, compliance with standards, develop­ment of human capital, ensuring product diversification and brand development, improving policies for SMEs, and strength­ening innovation-driven enterprises."

He added, "Moreover, the Trade Devel­opment Authority of Pakistan should fa­cilitate domestic exporters in emerging product lines, their standards, and guide them into targeted exhibitions. This way, our export market can be enhanced, and it will attract foreign investment through joint ventures and brand equity." Muham­mad Anil Iqbal, a Financial Sector Special­ist supporting this initiative, said Pakistan has historically relied heavily on imports. However, under the 5Es Framework, the government and the Ministry of Planning have shifted focus to prioritize increasing exports -- a welcome development. Boost­ing exports is crucial for the country's overall development, he said."In the social sector, Pakistan's 5Es Framework empha­sizes serving the growing population by providing accessible, high-quality health­care. Additionally, framework includes training programs and scholarships for the youth," outlined Dr. Rafi Kakar, Member of the Social Sector, from PC. The 5Es Frame­work, provided by govt, offers a tangible pathway for economic revival in five prior­ity areas: exports, e-Pakistan, environment and climate change, energy and infrastruc­ture, and equity and empowerment.