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Protecting Campus children better

Protecting Campus children better

Source: Samoa Observer Online

The Samoa Victim Support Group (S.V.S.G.) has reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to prioritising the safety and well-being of children with the ownership of a comprehensive Child Safeguarding training programme.

President of S.V.S.G Siliniu Lina Chang has reassured the ongoing efforts of the S.V.S.G to assure a greater future for the victims of abuse and assault, emphasising that all these small things are for their brighter future.

"Our policy serves as a guiding light, ensuring every interaction with children upholds the highest standards of protection and respect," she said.

"In line with this commitment, all SVSG staff members are currently undergoing refresher training to reinforce their knowledge and skills in child safeguarding."

This proactive measure underscores S.V.S.G's dedication to maintaining vigilance and accountability in safeguarding practices, empowering their team to respond swiftly and appropriately to any safeguarding concerns that may arise.

S.V.S.G remains steadfast in its mission to create a safe and nurturing environment where children can thrive and reach their full potential.

Meanwhile, Siliniu hopes that in the next five years, the country will not need to have a Campus of Hope.

The Campus of Hope has been providing shelter to children who are survivors of physical and sexual abuse. As there is no government-run protection service for children, the organisation has been facilitating this.

Siliniu in a previous interview was queried about what she wishes to improve at the campus but mostly what and how she sees the campus which caters to the children victims of violence in the next five years.

She stressed that despite all the developments she had made over the years in providing the best for the children victims she shelters, it is also her wish that the campus will be no more.

It has been 18 years since the SVSG was established. According to Siliniu, the number of victims that walked through their doors knocking for help is overwhelming, something the group and Siliniu intend to eradicate from Samoa.

Meanwhile, there are currently 85 children victims being sheltered at the Campus of Hope accompanied by her growing staff of more than 10.

Around the premises are a baby house where all the babies are cared for, shelters for victims and live-in staff, a hall, playground, chapel, school, and kitchen.