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Pakistan: Two mountaineers achieve first ascent and ski descent of Himalayan peak

Pakistan: Two mountaineers achieve first ascent and ski descent of Himalayan peak

Source: News9live
Author: Dimple Singh

Islamabad: Two experienced alpinists, Yannick Boissenot and Julien Herry, have successfully climbed a mountain in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. This area is known for having five of the world's 14 highest mountains, each over 8,000 metres high.

Boissenot and Herry climbed a 5,050-metre mountain near Rakaposhi, which stands at 7,788 metres. They waited for good weather to make their climb. After reaching the top, they named the mountain Chota Dumani, which means "Little Rakaposhi," with help from the local community.

The climbers were very careful due to the risk of avalanches. Herry explained that their chosen path stopped 80 metres below the summit. A horizontal route to the right led to unstable snow, but Yannick found a safer, more direct path. They reached the summit together at 8.30 am.

"A long horizontal traverse to the right only led to deeper, unstable snow. Finally, Yannick found a straighter line with less accumulated snow to the short, final ridge. I caught up with him just before reaching the summit together at 8.30 am," said Herry.

Even at the summit of Chota Dumani, they were still almost 3,000 meters below the main peak of Rakaposhi. Herry remarked on how high Rakaposhi towered above them.