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Warmth and festive spirit for Campus of Hope

Warmth and festive spirit for Campus of Hope

Source: Samoa Observer Online

The Samoa Water Authority (SWA) staff were given an insight into the lives of the children at the Campus Hope when a team visited them on Saturday.

SWA is having a Charity Drive initiative this festive season and as part of that they visited the Samoa Victim Support Group run shelter for children who are survivors of abuse and violence.

During a visit to the Campus of Hope on Saturday, the Urban Operations and Maintenance Division, led by Manager Namulauulu Irasa Mauala, the team brought joy, gifts, and heartfelt support to children who are survivors of abuse and neglect.

As part of the ongoing Charity Drive, SWA's Urban Division visited the shelter for abused and abandoned children, where they shared beautiful hymns and spent quality time with the resilient children. Recognising the significance of spreading the spirit of Christmas, the team sought to bring warmth and happiness to those in need, offering toys, clothes, food, accessories, and monetary donations to support the children.

Expressing compassion, one worker stated, "Seeing so many children breaks my heart. All that we've donated will never erase their pain, but praying for healing and deliverance for these children."

The visit was not just about gift-giving; but an opportunity to share the festive spirit with the children.The children delighted the visitors by showcasing a dance performance, reciprocating the warmth and joy they received.

SVSG President Siliniu Lina Chang extends heartfelt gratitude to SWA Chief Executive Officer Fuimaono Dominic Schwalger and the dedicated staff for their compassion and generosity.

Siliniu said SWA's commitment to not only providing clean water to families but also extending care and kindness to the most vulnerable in the community is commendable and deeply appreciated.

According to the Samoa Water Authority, they remain dedicated to its mission of community service, embodying the true spirit of Christmas through acts of kindness and solidarity.